Discover 10 Agile Software Development Frameworks And Methodologies For A Seamless User Experience

May 26 , 2023 Posted by Admin
Through an agile business method, the process of making a new product is tied to what customers and users want. It’s exciting to know that projects that use the competitive method known as “waterfall” only have a 49% chance of success. In comparison, agile projects have a 64% chance of success.
Modern app development is a highly complex task that a team performs with different skills. Companies use various management tools and methods to ensure that everyone involved in a project works well together.
So here in this blog from App Development Pros, known for providing the Apple Watch app design services, we will talk about the 10 agile software development approaches and practical models you should know. Let’s embark.
The Year’s Best Agile Frameworks and Methodologies
The most important part of the agile software development technique is the user story approach to project breakdown. Depending on their importance, you can perform the tasks in short rounds (iterations) of two weeks.
According to a survey from 76 countries, Scrum is the top agile framework, with 71% of respondents reporting using it. The word “framework” comes from rugby, which means a plan for a team game in which each player forms three lines and tries to steal the ball from the other team. For an interception to work, the players must be physically ready, work together as a team, and know the goal.
The author of “Scrum: A Revolutionary Project Management Method,” Jeff Sutherland, gave 8 steps for putting this kind of software development process into place:
• Choose a product owner who knows the project’s goals and what’s expected to come out of it.
• Put together a group of up to 10 people with the skills needed to make a product that can be sold.
• Consider hiring a Scrum Master to oversee the team and assist with problem-solving.
• Make a product list and rank each requirement on an agile board by importance. So that the team can evaluate the list, the product owner needs to gather requests.
• Plan “sprints,” also called “iterations,” which are short periods to finish tasks.
• Set up daily 15-minute “mitt-ups”, during which each team member is asked three questions. What will happen today? What’s stopping you from getting the job done?”
• When assessing the product’s functionality, involve all relevant parties in the discussion.
• Retrospective meetings at the end of each sprint help identify and address issues, ensuring progress continues. At the next sprint, use the change plan that was made.
Extreme Programing (XP)
An American software engineer, Kent Beck, created the software approach and developed the extreme programing style. This style tries to handle a product’s constantly changing needs better. It is based on four software-making methods and only applies to creating software.
• Coding: Coding according to the design ideas of a single team.
• Testing: Before the code is written, programmers write tests.
• Planning: Making plans for the whole build and each step. On average, the second thing happens about every two weeks.
• Listening: When a customer and a developer talk, questions are answered, needs and goals are set, and requirements are set.
Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
Even before the Manifesto, this way of making software was around. Even though both FDD and agile use an iterative development approach, they are not the same:
Compared to Agile software development, it gives more weight to pre-modeling, importance to making reports and graphs, and gears towards corporate growth.
Feature-driven development is a process that consists of several iterative steps:
• Make a general plan or overview of the project based on the knowledge you have so far.
• Making a list of traits similar to the product backlog in the Scrum method.
• Have a property-based planning where each team member figures out how complicated each property is.
• Technical design and implementation for each property is the last step before the property is added to the end product, and the cycle starts again.
Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM)
A group of British companies builds DSDM. The main thing DSDM and Extreme Programing are used for is making software.
It is essential to involve the end user in the creation process. The most important ones come after this one:
• Regularly provide updates of functional product versions.
• Allowing developers to make their own findings
• And testing at all stages of the work cycle
DSDM is broken up into different versions, which change as new software development standards emerge and technology moves forward. Even though the first one, which came out in 2003, is still in use, the DSDM Atern is the most current one, released in 2007.
Agile Data Method (ADM)
ADM is a group of agile, iterative software development methods that put a lot of stress on letting different software development teams’ work together to shape project needs and decisions. The core of the Agile Data Method can be summed up in six sentences:
• Project Issues: You can only find these if you fully understand the project’s idea and goal.
• Workgroups: Besides the central production team, business groups help other working groups.
• Individuality: Since no single method works for all projects, you must combine tools from different methods.
• Teamwork: Collaborating with others can be more efficient than working alone.
• Sweet spot: A place where you can find the best way to act while avoiding extremes.
Lean Software Development
Lean Software Development aims to streamline the software development process and reduce costs by implementing lean production principles. It is not just a software development method but a set of ideas focused on efficiency. The 7 rules in the group are as follows:
• Free Waste: Eliminating any waste or unnecessary items that do not enhance the customer’s experience with the product.
• Ongoing learning: It helps teams work better and do their jobs more efficiently.
• Built Accurate Decision: Making decisions based on careful thought and new information is more important than ones made quickly.
• Fast Delivery: The most crucial part of the iterative plan.
• Bringing the team closer: In software creation, the people and how they work together are more important than the tools and methods used. To achieve success, it is vital to have a small project team.
• Integrity and quality: Starting with a high-quality product is essential so you don’t have to spend extra time and money testing and solving bugs.
• Vision: You need a big-picture view of the project because you can’t break it up into separate parts without knowing where it is in development, what its goals are, how it works, and what the guiding principles of the software process are.
Essential Unified Process (EssUP)
A Swedish scientist, Ivar Jakobson, devised the Rational, Unified Process to improve it. The EssUP method is based on the idea of practices. Some examples of practices are:
• Use cases to describe how a system works.
• Iterative development by making code that works in short loops about once every few weeks.
• Exercises that help the team work better and make them more efficient.
• Follow procedures such as “Think globally, start small” and “Involve stakeholders in business software development processes.”
The RUP, CMMI, and agile ways of making software all use some of these practices in some way.
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Agile Unified Process (AUP)
The Rational Unified Process (RUP), which is another method for making software, is simplified into the Agile Unified Process (AUP). Some places still use AUP, even though Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) has been used in those places since 2012.
The author of the Agile Unified Process, Scott Ambler, summed up its main points as follows:
• All members of your group know their specific tasks and responsibilities.
• Make things easy.
• Following the most important rules of the rapid development process.
• Pay attention to jobs that are important for the project.
• A variety of tools to choose from.
• Customization to meet the needs of a specific job.
Crystal Methodologies
Alistair Cockburn, one who wrote the “Agile Software Development Manifesto,” developed a set of project management methods that aren’t as well known in the United States.
Cockburn suggests putting teams into different colors based on how many people are on them, from 2 (Crystal Clear) to 100 (Crystal Red). For bigger jobs, maroon, blue, and violet are reserved. Crystal framework projects must meet these three main criteria:
• Quick delivery of code that works: The idea behind the iterative agile development model.
• Perfection through reflection: Information from earlier software versions is used to improve the current one.
• “Osmotic” interaction: Alistair came up with this metaphor for how software developers who work in the same place can talk to each other and share information.
Agile Modeling (AM)
Agile modeling is a set of principles, guiding ideas, and ways of doing things for software modeling. Extreme programing and rapid application development are two software development methods that use AM as part of their general process. Agile planning is based on the following:
• Successful communication amongst project members.
• Trying to find the most straightforward answer that meets everyone’s needs.
• Feedback is required at all times.
• Having the courage to accept accountability for your actions.
• Being aware that you can’t know everything.
The Bottom Line
The Agile software development method allows small project teams to work efficiently and speedily. You can perform it efficiently with other methods, such as Scrum, XP, Lean, etc. By the way, this plan takes time for a new team to implement quickly.
Agile software development methods are used well in the real world to improve communication between business and IT, speed up product release, and increase user value.
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