Every project starts with a deep analysis and understanding of our clients and their customers. We want to know what your customers want in order to deliver the best experience. We ask all sorts of questions and don’t leave any stone unturned.
Make a Pact to stay connected with people who are obsessed about the same things with PeerPact

Have you wanted to connect with like-minded individuals but not on an open forum? PeerPact is just the app for you. We developed this app for people who would like to connect with people who have the same interests as them and live close by. All you have to do is to sign up and give the app access to your location and it will find the people who are close to you. You can chat them up, with their permission, of course. You can choose multiple interests like soccer, architecture, reading, bee-keeping, and more.

An exclusive socialization app for people who want to connect with others who have the same interests.

This is not your average social app. This is exclusively for people who share the same interests and are close by. You can select multiple interests when making your profile and the app will show you results based on them. Chat up with your newfound friends. Discuss your interests. Share smileys and pictures and more. View your recent chat history. Hey! If everything works out, you can even ask your new friends for a meet up at the local coffee shop or wherever you want. The best thing about this app: no annoying messages. You control who you connect with.
Technical Specifications