Challenges Of Cross-Platform Apps And Its Best Possible Solution For Mobile App Developers

Challenges That Mobile App Developers Face When Developing Cross-Platform Apps And Its Best Possible Solutions


September 2 , 2023 Posted by Admin

Developers are increasingly using cross-platform creation to secure time and money. With this approach, they can write code once and use it on iOS and Android platforms. This has gained popularity due to its efficiency. However, this tactic has certain disadvantages that multiple individuals may need help comprehending. These imperfections can be challenging for mobile app developers and owners. So, this weblog examines the top challenges encountered in cross-platform app creation and gives solutions to produce user-friendly and efficient applications.

Cross-Platform Development Challenges

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So, let’s look at the general challenges encountered in evolving cross-platform apps.

Device Fragmentation

Mobile device fragmentation is a great difficulty for cross-platform developers. With so many diverse mobile devices on the market, each with unique screen sizes, operating systems, and hardware specifications, ensuring your app functions nicely takes time. This means mobile app developers should expend time and money and endeavor to code, test, and preserve their apps for all these diverse configurations.

Android devices, in particular, have a wide variety of screen sizes, making it hard to design a consumer connection that adapts to all of them. Mobile games want high-quality graphics that can scale adequately and meet the necessary resolution needs. This can sometimes be challenging to achieve.

Since these platforms differ in how they handle apps and specific features, developers may need help incorporating certain functionalities that work seamlessly on both platforms. These limitations might cause them to find alternative solutions or compromise to confirm the app works well on Android and iOS.

Even within the identical operating system family, there are distinctions among editions that could affect app development. Elderly editions of iOS or Android may not assist some app characteristics. Furthermore, distinctions in hardware specs among devices make producing high-quality apps running seamlessly on all devices challenging.

Fewer options for UI design

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App developers need to plan the consumer connection (UI) for cross-platform apps because every platform, like Android and iOS, has separate design components and rules. This limitation means that mobile app developers have fewer UI design options and frequently need to stick to more straightforward layouts that perform nicely for either platform. Users are accustomed to their chosen operating system’s default appearance and functionality. Therefore, cross-platform apps should try to mimic the look and feel of native apps as closely as possible.

For example, the primary navigation menu is diverse on iOS and Android. On Android, it can be a hamburger menu, tabs at the top, or a floating menu button; on iOS, it is usually icons or tabs at the bottom of the screen. Users may feel bewildered, and the program may become more difficult to use if certain conventions are not followed.

Slower app performance

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Cross-platform apps may be quicker to develop but frequently suffer from slower execution than native apps, specifically web-based cross-platform apps. Web-based cross-platform apps use an intermediary software layer to convey with the central operating system, which needs more management duration and slows down the app.

Some cross-platform technologies, like React Native, improve execution than web-based ones. They compile code for every operating system, producing a more native-like app. Despite the existence of cross-platform tools, these apps always struggle to reach the accuracy and performance of native apps. They should adjust the complexities of multiple operating systems, requiring more prolonged and complex code.

A key rationale for the execution gap is how Android and iOS manage memory management differently. Android automatically handles memory management, but it consumes more memory. On the other hand, iOS gives developers memory management, permitting more efficient and less time-consuming memory overall. However, these memory management benefits and platform-specific tools are not effortlessly reachable in cross-platform app development.

Catching up with OS updates

One significant difficulty with cross-platform tools is that they are slower to adapt to Android and iOS operating system updates than accurate native apps. This means that mobile app developers employing cross-platform tools might have yet to have instantaneous access to the newest characteristics and critical fixes that the OS updates offer.

When Android or iOS launches new updates, cross-platform tool mobile app developers should update their tools to mirror those changes. This procedure can take weeks or even months, contingent on the tool. During this time, you can secure cross-platform app mobile app developers out of new OS updates, which could incorporate essential security fixes and enhancements.

For example, if an Android update fixes security vulnerabilities, native apps can take advantage of it immediately, but cross-platform apps might have to wait until their tools get updated. This delay could put cross-platform app individuals at risk. Additionally, if one OS introduces a new characteristic that the other OS doesn’t have yet, cross-platform apps might face contradictions in their consumer experience.

Although a delay in operating system updates may not seem significant, it can still significantly impact certain circumstances. This makes it an essential factor for mobile app developers considering cross-platform tools.

Making the mobile app secure

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Ensuring secure cross-platform apps is more challenging than native apps for multiple reasons.

Firstly, there needs to be more adaptable cross-platform debugging tools, which makes it harder to test and fix challenges in cross-platform apps. This could guide to less stable apps when contemplating iOS or Android platforms.

Secondly, cross-platform apps use programming languages like HTML and JavaScript that are more susceptible to hacks. The code in these apps can be more visible, making it more uncomplicated for attackers to research and exploit. On the other hand, native apps are compiled into assembly language, producing the actual code that is invisible and harder to understand.

Thirdly, testing cross-platform apps is harder as mobile app developers should analyze the code on multiple screen sizes, hardware specs, and OS versions. This can take longer and may result in giving up thoroughness, possibly leading to a less safeguarded app.

Finally, cross-platform applications may only partially utilize the inherent security features of the underlying operating system. For example, setting up Face ID authentication is more straightforward in a native iOS app than in a cross-platform app, which could take more time and effort.

To overcome these hindrances, you should want the services of a cross-platform mobile app development company. So stop searching. We give outstanding cross-platform and hybrid app development services free of these issues. Create an app free of challenges with us today.

Best Approaches to Overcome These Challenges in Cross-Platform Development

However, as per our app creation experts, mobile app developers can conquer the hindrances of cross-platform creation by executing the following strategies:

Thorough Testing and Optimization

To manage device fragmentation and guarantee a regular consumer experience, developers should thoroughly test their app on multiple devices, screen sizes, and OS versions. You can accomplish this via comprehensive testing employing genuine devices or emulators to recognize and fix suitability issues. Additionally, improving the app’s execution by decreasing unneeded code and resource usage can improve constancy and speed.

Platform-Specific Customizations

While cross-platform creation goals for code reusability are important, it is necessary to contemplate platform-specific customizations to match every platform’s design instructions and UI/UX principles. Mobile app developers can confirm a satisfying user experience by creating customized adaptations for each platform, making the mobile app feel familiar and native to users. This can enhance customer satisfaction.

Security Measures and Best Practices

To manage security challenges, best mobile app developers should follow the finest tactics for safeguarding coding and apply robust security measures. Utilizing encryption for sensitive data, embracing safeguard authentication tactics, and frequently updating the app with security patches can improve its overall security.

Continuous Learning and Adoption of New Tools

App developers should remain updated with the newest OS updates, features, and Android and iOS security improvements. Additionally, maintaining abreast of advancements in cross-platform creation tools and libraries can assist mobile app developers in leveraging the newest features and improving app performance.

Code Obfuscation and Minification

You can hire Code obfuscation and minification techniques to safeguard the app’s source code from reverse engineering and hacking attempts. Code obfuscation is converting the code into a more complex form. It makes it highly challenging for attackers to examine and extract sensitive data from it.

While code minification is a procedure that lowers source code size by eliminating unnecessary characters and spaces, code minification does not affect your code’s functionality. Still, it can enhance the app’s performance by making the code smaller. Also, smaller code sizes can reduce user data usage.

Get consumer Feedback for Real-time Assessment.

After launching the app, developers should constantly observe consumer feedback, crash reports, and execution analytics. You assume, why is that? It can help recognize and fix any challenges in real-world usage that you get from their experiences. It will lead to a more stable and safe app when you fix it occasionally.

When you adopt these strategies, you can conquer the hurdles of cross-platform creation. You can bring high-quality, secure, efficient apps and a smooth consumer experience across multiple platforms.


As you know, mobile app developers face challenges during cross-platform app creation. You can beat these challenges when you reach us or let developers utilize the best cross-platform frameworks, obey the finest practices, and stay updated with the newest tools and technologies.

Do you want the services of a reputed cross-platform mobile app development company? If yes, then you are at the right place! We have an expert set regarding cross-platform and hybrid app development services to turn your app idea into a reality. Contact us to discuss your app concept and construct something spectacular together!”


Also Read: Hire a cross platform mobile app development company

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